Material Recommendations for Concrete

… GRC, Terrazzo, UHPC and other concrete based products…
This chapter offers free of charge Material Recommendations for “Cement based” materials and fixing optimisation.

Given values refer to AVG-Average Values or LEV-Lower Expected Values.

AVG – Average Value is a sum of all test results divided by number of tests.
LEV – Lower Expected Value  is a minimal breaking force for 95% of test results given by confidence level of 75% (based on ETAG 034).
Newest test results and optimisations you can see on Blick’s Vimeo Material Recommendations album
and Blick’s YouTube Playlist: Material Recommendation.

Note: Blick offers Project Recommendation and structural calculations, in which proper values are calculated and are proven by approved structural designer adequate for particular project.
Presented results are for presentation purposes only. Please contact Blick in case of use. Blick does not bears any resposibility for improper use or calculations made based on below data without previous written acceptance.

GRC: Recommendation for Terrazzo by Yerg.

GRC: Recommendation for BRC by PSK.

Here you can see optimisation of fixing in GRC made by PSK.

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [lbf]

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [lbf]

GRC: 3 anchor optimisation.

Here you can see an optimisation of fixing in GRC made for 3 types of anchors and different undercut holes in the same material lot.

GRC: Recommendation for moderline by BRUK.

Here you can see optimisation of fixing in GRC made by Bruk sp. z o.o.
more about material:

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [lbf]

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [lbf]

GRC: Recommendation for FCC.

GRC by FCC is here presented. Panels 20mm thick are tested for pull out, 15mm undercut holes were made.

GRC: Recommendation for B-Loft.

Here you can see pull out test results of fixing in B-Loft GRC concrete made in 20mm and 30mm panels with HDA-S undercut holes. HDA-S 15mm undercut anchors set in 30mm panels gave following results: 3480N / 782lbf. More about material and producer find on

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [lbf]

AVG 15mm HDA-S10.15.M830 anchor pullout [N]

AVG 15mm HDA-S10.15.M830 anchor pullout [lbf]

GRC: Recommendation for Cemento Design s.r.o

Here you can see fixing recommendation for GRC concrete by Cemento Design s.r.o. in 17mm panels, HDA-SQ embed at 12.0mm.
More about material and producer find on

GRC: Recommendation for BoMAbeton

Here you can see pull out test results of fixing in BoMaBeton GRC concrete made in 12mm panels with 10mm undercut anchors. More about material and producer find on

AVG 10mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 10mm anchor pullout [lbf]

AVG 10mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 10mm anchor pullout [lbf]

UHPC: Recommendation for YERG.

Here you can see pull out test results of fixing in YERG UHPC concrete made in 15mm panels with 10mm INFILL undercut holes. 10mm undercut anchors set in 13mm panels gave following results: 2456N / 552lbf. More about material and producer find on

GRC: Recommendation for Milke

Here you can see Blick’s recommendation for fixing in GRC by Milke. The movie shows 3 different Blick’s anchors set at 15mm and 10mm. More about material and producer find on

AVG 10mm INFILL anchor pullout [N]

AVG 10mm INFILL anchor pullout [lbf]

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [lbf]

GRC: Recommendation for BtB-Radzymin

Here you can see pull out test results of fixing in GRC made in 18mm panels with 15mm undercut holes. 11mm undercut anchors set in 18mm panels gave following results: 1963N / 441lbf. More about material and producer find on

GRC: Recommendation for BtB-Radzymin SHEAR LOAD

Here you can see shear load test results of fixing in GRC made in 18mm panels with 11mm undercut anchors, which gave following results: 3250N / 730lbf (AVG). More about material and producer find on

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [lbf]

AVG 11mm anchor shear [N]

AVG 11mm anchor shear [lbf]

TERAZZO: Recommendation for NorthStone.

Here you can see pull out test results of fixing in NorthStone Terrazzo made in 20mm panels with 15mm and 10mm undercut anchors made in Rovereto and Brescia line. More about this interesting technology you can find on the movie What Bretonerastone is?. More about material and producer find on

UHPC: Recommendation for DIE

Here you can see pull out test results of fixing in DIE UHPC concrete made in 15mm panels with 12mm undercut anchors. Presented anchor pullout refers to single test only. More about material and producer find on

AVG 12.3mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 12.3mm anchor pullout [lbf]

Single 12.3mm anchor pullout [N]

Single 12.3mm anchor pullout [lbf]

Concrete: Recommendation for UHPC Stella Stone.

Here you can see pull out test results of fixing in VHCT concrete made in 20mm panels with 15mm undercut holes. 10mm undercut anchors set in 20mm panels gave following results: 1880N / 422lbf. Blick’s undercut anchors were used in Library of Naval Academy project. More about material and producer find on

GRC: Recommendation for Morgan & Möller.

GRC by Morgan & Möller is here presented. Panels 20mm thick are tested for pull out, 15mm undercut holes were made. More about the material on

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [lbf]

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 15mm anchor pullout [lbf]

GRC: Recommendation for FibreC by Rieder.

Fibre C by Rieder is here presented. Panels 13mm thick are tested for pull out, 10mm undercut holes were made. More about the material you can find at:

GRC: Recommendation for Betonproject.

GRC by Betonproject is here presented. Panels 15mm thick are tested for pull out, 11mm undercut holes were made.

AVG 10mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 10mm anchor pullout [lbf]

AVG 11mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 11mm anchor pullout [lbf]

GRC: Recommendation for KROE

Here you can see pull out test results of fixing in KROE GRC concrete made in 15mm panels with 12mm undercut anchors. More about material and producer find on

Undercut anchor used: BSA-SQ10.11.M600

Concrete: Recommendation for Ivanka concrete panels

A very short recommendation for Ivanka concrete Panels.
More about products you can find on

AVG 12mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 12mm anchor pullout [lbf]