Material Recommendations for Fibrecement

… 8-12mm fibrecement panels tested
This chapter offers free of charge Material Recommendations for “Fibrecement type” materials and fixing optimisation.

Given values refer to AVG-Average Values or LEV-Lower Expected Values.

AVG – Average Value is a sum of all test results divided by number of tests.
LEV – Lower Expected Value  is a minimal breaking force for 95% of test results given by confidence level of 75% (based on ETAG 034).
Newest test results and optimisations you can see on Blick’s Vimeo Material Recommendations album
and Blick’s YouTube Playlist: Material Recommendation.

Note: Blick offers Project Recommendation and structural calculations, in which proper values are calculated and are proven by approved structural designer adequate for particular project.
Presented results are for presentation purposes only. Please contact Blick in case of use. Blick does not bears any resposibility for improper use or calculations made based on below data without previous written acceptance.

For more information about thin material application check our article: How to install achors in 10mm panels.

Fibrecement: Recommendation for Equitone fibrecement.

Presented recommendation is for Equitone Pictura 12mm tile in which 10mm undercut hole was made and 8mm Tectiva with 6mm undercut hole. AVG Pullout values for 8mm Tectiva: 928 N / 208 lbf. More about at

AVG 12mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 12mm anchor pullout [lbf]

Fibrecement: Recommendation for SVK fibrecement.

Presented recommendation is for SVK fibrecement Colormat 12mm tile in which 10mm undercut hole was made, 10mm Colormat with 7mm undercut hole and 8mm Puro with 6mm undercut hole. AVG Pullout values for 8mm Puro: 1186 N / 267 lbf. AVG Pullout values for 8mm Puro: 1039 N / 233 lbf. More about you can find on

AVG 10mm anchor pullout [N]

AVG 10mm anchor pullout [lbf]

Fibrecement: Recommendation for Swisspearl fibrecement.

Presented recommendation is for Swisspearl fibrecement 12mm and 8mm tile in which undercut hole was made.